Who the fuck is Von Crippon anyway? Ya know, for a long time there weren’t any cats who really knew. Back in those days they were a shady band rattling through a storm of Electric Jive Jangle and raccoon romping on your neighbor’s garbage cans. Since then they’ve stepped out from under the penumbra of those harrowing hills and left a ragtag gaggle of goons playing Sludgepile Imitations in their wake. Lyrical lather can never describe the magic that is The Von Crippon Family. Hmm, but I’ll try anyway. Let’s put it this way… Von Crippon is like a ragged ol’ hotrod convertible, all charcoal, swampy greens and fiery orange explosions burning down some gravel road at top speeds with the craziest wildest woolliest animal folk piled in, hanging on for their lives, whoops and hollers of ecstatic joy and fear, human tambourines jangling in the moonlight, unsure of where that road ends and where the real journey begins. Listen to Von Crippon. It’s good for you. ~ Shan Jago